I often struggle to find the perfect gift for friends.
I want something that lets them know how much I love them or what they mean to me.
Do you do this?
That dilemma is actually what led to me making jewelry for the first time. I wanted a meaningful gift for a friend who was going through a hard time, so I made her a necklace with a secret message that only she would know was there.
She cried when she opened it and wore it everyday for the longest time.
This is what I try to do with these coins. It’s why I love them so much. Well, one of the reasons. And the reason I want to share with you today.
I always have an idea of what kind of meaning I want to tie to the coins on the jewelry I make. Sometimes, when I learn about the symbolism of the image on the coin, that will dictate the sentiment I use, but other times, it is open to my own interpretation.
Like these birds, for example.

This bird is a wren, and in my research, I learned that wrens have a habit of migrating a lot. The Celtic believed that this was a sign showing us to branch out and expand our circles. I love that message. It goes hand in hand with one of my favorite sayings:
But, birds also have other symbolism.
Leaving the nest… a necklace with that message would be a perfect gift for a new college student.
Or, what about learning to fly on your own… someone with newly acquired independence would be perfect to wear a bracelet with that message.
One of my favorite ways the bird coin is used in my jewelry is for mothers.
Picture this… this cute little necklace with a card that says “For my mother who gave me wings and taught me to fly.”
I say it all the time but the best part of what I do is hearing from you about why you buy my jewelry as gifts for the people you love.
Here is a recent message from a customer about just that.
"I have two stories for two gifts I purchased for Christmas. My mom has a group of friends we call the "pool ladies." They swim together most summer mornings in one of the ladies' pool. They have become close friends over the years. I gave my mom the Sea Life necklace because swimming with her friends has become such an important thing in her life.
I also purchased for my husband cufflinks made from Argentine coins. He spent two years in Argentina on a church mission. He was very surprised and quite touched by the gift. I love surprising him! Thank you for your talents in creating such unique and beautiful jewelry!" -Jenny

It’s so fun to hear the different ways you share love with my jewelry in ways I never could have thought of myself.
Speaking of that, did you know you can search the website by sentiment?
It's a new feature that I'm pretty excited about.
If you have a friend that needs good luck wishes? Or to be reminded how great she is, you can find the perfect gift by clicking HERE.
Also! After much thought and much Googling, I have put together a list of six ways you can be sure your next gift is a home run. Hope it's helpful!
Six ways to master the art of the thoughtful gift
- Plan ahead. Take time to think about the person. Think about their personality, interests and even memories you might have with them.
- Don’t focus on cost. This doesn’t mean money is no object. In fact, sometimes we use a high price item to impress rather than something that is meaningful.
- Give an experience. A memory is a wonderful gift that will never wear out or break. A trip, a night out, a first-time art class, a massage. If you can do these things together, even better. The gift of your time is a great way to let someone know they are important to you.
- Make it personal. Can it be personalized? With a name or a birthstone? Or, even better, can you recall a time when they mentioned something they wanted or need?
- Can it be handmade by you? Can you bake? Draw? Paint? I have been the recipient of some amazing handmade gifts from friends. My sister-in-law made me a quilt, a friend painted a watercolor of me on a bike, and people have baked for me. Just thinking of the time alone that a friend spend crocheting a blanket for me in colors she knew I would love makes the gift so much more meaningful. Not everyone is crafty, but if you are, this is a wonderful way to show your love.
- Showmanship counts! Packaging alone can make a gift more delightful than it would be otherwise. It sends the message that you put in some extra effort and as they say, we eat with our eyes first. For some fun, original gift wrapping ideas, check out my Pinterest board for gift wrapping.