Hello from Las Vegas!
We have been here at the WWIN show all week and it has been wonderful...our best show yet. We meet such wonderful people from all over the country and I can't wait for these stores get my new jewelry in. I even met two store owners that I'm so excited to work on some custom pieces for their seasonal tourist gift shops. One of them asked questions about my leather message cuffs...Can I think of phrases that would be good for a cycling fan? Apparently, there is a huge cross-state bike race in Iowa every year and they'd like something to sell to the cyclists to commemorate their participation. Hello!?!? I grabbed her by he arm and said, "Listen ,sister...you are in the right place. I'm your girl." Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm in love with my bicycle and I already have a whole line of cycling themed jewelry. My head is swimming with ideas and I can't wait to get home and get to work.

You are so cute